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Hazardous Materials Awareness

Course Section: ÎçÒ¹av-HMA-0423

Availability (updated hourly):
Maximum number of candidates: 24.

This course meets the NFPA 470 standards for Hazardous Materials Awareness and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). It trains Emergency Response Personnel to effectively handle incidents involving hazardous materials and WMDs, ensuring the safety of the public, responders, and the environment. This training combines both theoretical and practical components from the Atlantic Police Academy's core courses on hazardous materials awareness.

Additional Information

Credit Related Information:
Upon completion of this course, the student will have met the sections required for an Awareness Level first responder in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470 2022 edition, professional qualifications standard. Students who successfully complete the certification process will be certified as an Awareness Level first responder.

Priority will be given to Police, Public Safety, and Fire Service applicants.

Captain Colby Smith & Captain Johnny Dugay

Supplies Needed:
Participant Requirements: Cold weather clothing, CSA approved safety shoes, CSA approved safety helmet, safety glasses, gloves.

Course Cost

24 hour(s)

Course Details
Start Date End Date Location
Apr 23, 2025 Apr 25, 2025 Atlantic Police Academy
Day(s) From To Room
Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8:00:00 AM 5:00:00 PM 135

Please note: Students are only able to register for a course after they have completed any of the pre-requisites listed above.

Please note: If English is not your first language, you are required to meet ÎçÒ¹av’s English proficiency requirements prior to commencing studies. Recognized English proficiency tests can be found at the following link: