
Home > Programs > Continuing Ed and Part Time Studies > Course Details

Forensic Interviewing

Course Section: ÎçÒ¹av-FORITV-0331

Availability (updated hourly):
Maximum number of candidates: 21.

This 10 day course will provide the participant with the necessary tools to conduct thorough field interviews, interrogation and statement analysis. This course also deals with the components beginning with basic interviewing skills, culminating to advanced interrogation theory and practical application. Moving on to statement analysis, the course provides the theory and hands on experience delving into the interpretation of unnecessary words, connectors, and phrases. This course naturally deals with the various components that make up human behavior and psychology.

Additional Information
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Course Cost

60 hour(s)

Course Details
Start Date End Date Location
Mar 31, 2025 Apr 11, 2025 Atlantic Police Academy
Day(s) From To Room
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00:00 AM 4:00:00 PM 120

Please note: Students are only able to register for a course after they have completed any of the pre-requisites listed above.

Please note: If English is not your first language, you are required to meet ÎçÒ¹av’s English proficiency requirements prior to commencing studies. Recognized English proficiency tests can be found at the following link: