The ÎçÒ¹av Green Machine created a zombie video with an environmental message. You can .
Here are the top ten things you can do to help protect the environment:
Save Water Take shorter showers, don’t let the tap drip, get leaky faucets fixed, do full loads of laundry. Imagine how much water can be saved in a year if everyone in the building shortened their showers by one minute!
Save Energy Turn off lights, appliances, computers, and stereos when you’re not using them. Turn down the heat when you’re not at home and put on a sweater instead of turning up the heat.
Buy Less Stuff Rent or borrow items that you use infrequently. Share household items like hair dryers with your roommates. You can read magazines and newspapers in the library.
Cut Down on Food Waste and Avoid Disposables Cut back on disposable napkins, styrofoam cups, condiment packages, plastic drink tops, etc. Carry your own mug for coffee or tea to go.
Bring Your Own Bag You carry and use your school bag or backpack nearly everywhere you go, so why take the disposable?
Buy Recycled Products Recycling only occurs when you “close the loop” and purchase and use products made of recovered materials.
Avoid Using Hazardous or Toxic Substances Certain products such as nail polish remover, paints, cleaners and sprays contain chemicals that pose risks to human health and the environment. Find non-toxic alternatives. Choose rechargeable batteries rather than non-rechargeable ones.
Stop Junk Mail Reduce the amount of unwanted mail you receive. Ask organizations and companies to refrain from selling your name to other companies.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Reduce: Use both sides of paper, cut down on disposable purchases. Think about whether you need to make copies at all. Can you check out the book or journal instead of copying the article or section you want? Reuse: Find new uses for containers, give away old clothes, invest in rechargeable batteries. Recycle: Deposit scrap paper, cereal boxes, newspapers, old notes, cans, bottles into the recycling bins in your building.
Get Eco-Active Consider joining environmental groups or a community agency that needs volunteers.
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