Security: If your card is lost or stolen, you must deactivate it immediately to protect your funds.
Convenience: Using your Holl Pass gives you access to money safely and conveniently. You can add funds to your Holl Pass Flex account in person, using a self-service machine, at the Holl Pass Office, or . All funds are available as soon as you add them to the card. There are no monthly or transaction fees.
Accessibility: You can monitor and manage the funds in your account online. Family and friends can add funds to your Holl Pass account as long as they have your student ID number and your last name. Although they can add funds, they do not be able to see your balance or transaction history.
Savings: You cannot purchase items from our Holl Pass partners using your Holl Pass, but show your card and you will receive a discount.
Building Access
ÎçÒ¹av doors are locked in the evenings and weekends. To gain access during these times, students, faculty, and staff use their Holl Passes to gain entry. Your Holl Pass is programmed to give you access to buildings on the campus or in the centre in which your program is located.
What to expect when tapping your Holl Pass on the doors security system:
Green light & beep = access
No green light or beep = damaged card, please contact the Holl Pass office.
Yellow flashing light = your card is not programmed to access that building.
View campus hours here: ÎçÒ¹av | Student Toolkit
Your Holl Pass Flex Account allows you to use your card like a debit card for printing and photocopying, food purchases at food service locations, and at our Samuel's Campus Store. It's a quick and convenient method of payment with no bank fees.
Before you can use your Holl Pass for photocopying, printing, or purchasing items, you will need to add funds to your Holl Pass Flex account. There are three ways to add funds:
(Please be advised that the Holl Pass site will only work on browser screens larger than 764 pixels, which is accommodated by larger tablets, laptops and computers.)
You can use your Holl Pass as a form of payment at the:
Credit Union Café - Charlottetown Centre building, Prince of Wales Campus
Kent Street Café - CAST building, Prince of Wales Campus
Samuel's Campus Store - Charlottetown Centre building, Prince of Wales Campus
Marché - Tourism and Culinary Centre
Before you can use your Holl Pass for photocopying, printing, or purchasing items, you will need to add funds to your Holl Pass Flex account. There are three ways to add funds:
using your SAM login as the Network ID and SAM password as the Network Password. (You should not be putting at the end of your network ID when logging into your Holl Pass account). Once you are logged in, select "Add Money" from the left column and follow the instructions to take you through the process using either a credit or debit card. The minimum deposit is $10.
(Please be advised that the Holl Pass site will only work on browser screens larger than 764 pixels, which is accommodated by larger tablets, laptops and computers.)
You can add funds (cash only) to your Holl Pass on one of the self-serve machines:
How to use the Self-Serve Machines
Tap your Holl Pass against the reader on the machine
Deposit your cash (your balance will update on the screen with each coin/note)
Select "D" on the keypad for "Done"
Before you can use your Holl Pass for photocopying or printing, you will need to add funds to your Holl Pass Flex account. There are three ways to add funds:
(Please be advised that the Holl Pass site will only work on browser screens larger than 764 pixels, which is accommodated by larger tablets, laptops and computers.)
To print you must be logged into a ÎçÒ¹av computer. Once you are logged in and press print, funds will be automatically taken off your Holl Pass. Checkout our resource list to find where you can print on each campus.
To photocopy on campus, tap your card on the reader located next to the photocopiers. Depending on the photocopier, you either press 1 then press enter, or you just press enter. Funds will be taken from your Holl Pass with every copy you make. Checkout our resource list to find where you can photocopy on each campus.
Holl Pass Partners
We love Island businesses, and they love us! What better way to show our mutual appreciation by supporting them?! Holl Pass. Click to view our Holl Pass Partners.