Start Date: September
Location: Prince of Wales Campus
Length: 2 Years
Credential: Diploma, Construction Technician
Program Availability: Fall 2025 Term
Canadian Applicants: Open
International Applicants with a Valid ÎçÒ¹av Study Permit: Open
Other International Applicants: Open
In the Construction Technology and Management program, you will learn how to plan, coordinate, and manage construction projects from inception to completion. Learn about building materials, drawings and specifications, and the construction process. Develop practical skills by preparing estimates of the cost of materials, labour, site overhead, and start-up costs for residential and commercial construction projects.
You will also visit construction sites and take courses in construction law and contract documents, AutoCAD, and construction surveying. Gain real-life experience in the construction industry and build your network while you complete your on-job training. By the time you graduate, you will be ready to start your career at an administrative or middle management level.
Graduates with two years of appropriate work experience can apply for registration with Island Technology Professionals (ITP), which can lead to certification as a Construction Technician. The Canadian Construction Association has a Gold Seal certification program for superintendents, estimators, and project managers for more experienced graduates.
Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
The Construction Technology and Management program is a TAC (Technology Accreditation Canada) nationally accredited program at the technician level. National program accreditation involves an independent team of certified professionals performing an extensive audit, which provides graduates and employers confidence the program meets the educational standards of Canada’s engineering technology and applied science profession.
Graduating from a nationally accredited program creates an expedited path to becoming a certified professional with provincial certifying bodies in Canada.
This program is located in the Centre for Applied Science and Technology.
This program has degree pathways, giving you the opportunity to receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma when you continue your education. For a complete list of agreements, visit the .
Partner Institution | Credential | Details of Agreement |
, Saint John, N.B. | Bachelor of Applied Management | Graduates with a 70% average are granted two years of credit toward a Bachelor of Applied Management degree. |
Tuition, fees, and other costs are listed in Canadian dollars. International tuition includes the International Student Fee.
Fees are Course Based
1st Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $5,005 | $11,005 |
Fees | $898 | $1,648 |
Other Costs | $1,250 | $1,250 |
Total | $7,153 | $13,903 |
2nd Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $4,205 | $9,305 |
Fees | $828 | $1,578 |
Other Costs | $750 | $750 |
Total | $5,783 | $11,633 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition | $5,005 | $4,205 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Lab Fee | $50 | – |
Health Insurance Fee | $470 | $470 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
First Aid/WHMIS | $100 | – |
Graduation Fee | - | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $5,903 | $5,033 |
1st installment due first day of the first semester (fall semester fees) | $3,053 | $2,758 |
2nd installment due first day of the second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $2,850 | $2,275 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $900 | $700 |
Uniforms/Safety Shoes | $150 | $50 |
Equipment/Tools | $200 | – |
Total | $1,250 | $750 |
Grand Total | $7,153 | $5,783 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition* | $11,005 | $9,305 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Lab Fee | $50 | – |
Health Insurance Fee | $1,220 | $1,220 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
First Aid/WHMIS | $100 | – |
Graduation Fee | - | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $12,653 | $10,883 |
1st installment due the first day of the first semester (fall semester fees) | $9,803 | $8,608 |
2nd installment due the first day of the second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $2,850 | $2,275 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $900 | $700 |
Uniforms/Safety Shoes | $150 | $50 |
Equipment/Tools | $200 | – |
Total | $1,250 | $750 |
Grand Total | $13,903 | $11,633 |
*Includes the International Student Fee.
Many ÎçÒ¹av programs have degree pathway agreements with other post-secondary institutions. You can receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma toward a university degree or other post-graduate credential, saving you time and money! Find out more on the Degree Pathways page.
Course Code:SAFE-1005
An overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Prince Edward Island. Students examine the legislation, how PEI employees are protected while on the job and the responsibilities of employees and employers.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:CADD-1110
An introduction to basic terminology, concepts, and functions of CAD software to produce technical drawings. Students set up and manage an electronic filing system and manipulate the software to produce technical drawings.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:COMM-1000
An introduction to learning the written and oral communication of technical information. Students research, assemble and present technical information while analysing optimum mediums for industry-specific communication.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:COMP-1000
Students learn productivity software and explore digital environments with practical applications for various workplaces and educational institutions. The main areas of focus include word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, email and other electronic communication tools, various digital environments, and industry-specific applications.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-1100
An examination of municipal, provincial, and national codes, standards, acts and regulations that apply to all phases of construction. In response to specific questions and situations, students will locate and interpret information from this "regulatory environment" including the National Building Code of Canada, Canadian Electrical Code, P.E.I. Waste Management Regulations, P.E.I. Employment Standards Act, and many other regulatory documents.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-1200
An overview of testing procedures for soils, asphalt, and concrete. Students conduct field and lab testing to monitor quality of placement and adherence of mix designs to specification parameters. Students assist in the design of concrete and asphalt mixes that are prepared and tested in a laboratory setting.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:CONS-1210
An introduction to estimating techniques used for residential construction. Students determine the cost of building materials, labour, site overhead, and start-up costs associated with residential construction. Manual calculation techniques are first employed to calculate the total square foot cost. Students also create an electronic estimating tool to use in future estimating projects.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-1220
A study of building materials used in residential building construction. Students examine construction materials and uses for residential structures including wood and plastics. Plumbing, HVAC, and electrical components for residential construction are also studied. Students visit local construction sites to view the installation and application of these materials.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-1230
A complete overview of tools and equipment used in construction projects. Students select tools and equipment required to complete a construction project from start to finish including hand tools, power tools, light and heavy equipment.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2120
A study of building materials used in commercial building construction. Students examine construction materials and practices for commercial structures including concrete, masonry, wood, plastics, asphalt, and steel. Students visit local construction sites, hardware stores and attend industry semiars to view the installation and application of these materials.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2150
Exploration of construction law and contract documents. Students differentiate various types of contracts, interpret civil laws and legislation, and explore related ethical issues. Bonding and insurance issues, tender forms, change orders, addenda, pre-qualification documents, mechanic's lien, and statutory declaration documents are also studied.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2200
Students develop and apply methods for monitoring project costs, progress, and inventory. Record keeping, report writing and interpersonal skills development are an integral part of this course.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2210
Students determine the cost of building materials, labour, site overhead, and start-up costs associated with commercial construction. Manual and computerized calculation techniques are employed.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2220
The study of how to conduct on-site inspections to maintain quality and productivity on a construction site. Students plan and conduct construction site inspections to maintain quality and ensure compliance with drawings and specifications. Planning the use of tools, equipment, and site services is also explored.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CONS-2240
Students interpret architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings to identify required materials and components for a commercial construction project.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:MATH-1030
MATH-1030 is a 60-hour college-level technical mathematics course offered to all Technician and Technologist students enrolled in the Engineering Technology programs. The course begins with an intensive overview of measurement, emphasizing both metric and imperial units, conversion of both simple and derived units, and proper treatment of significant digits. Following a review of algebra (including many scientific calculator functions), you will apply skills to solve systems of two and three linear equations by means of graphic, algebraic, and determinant methods; derive and graph functions; and apply factoring to solve fractional and quadratic equations. You will make extensive use of trigonometric and vector analysis to solve technical problems in right and oblique triangles, and angles in any quadrant. You will apply the relationship between exponents and radicals, and the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions to technical applications. Finally, you will solve problems involving both Euclidean and analytic geometry.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:NCPR-1001
A comprehensive two-day course offering standard first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills from a certified trainer. As required by regulation, this course covers CPR and the management of other breathing, airway and circulation emergencies, as well as, the control of bleeding, treating shock, stabilizing fractures and dislocations, head and spine injuries, and more. Also, includes automated external defibrilators (AED). This certification expires in 3 years.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1002
Students complete Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training and certification.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1003
Students learn about asbestos containing materials in buildings, mould awareness and how moisture affects mould growth, lead containing materials in buildings, mercury and PCBS in buildings, radon.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1060
A study of the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act requirements for Fall Arrest systems within the province of Prince Edward Island.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:PHYS-1200
An examination of general physics topics. Students study vectors, forces in equilibrium, torque and rotation, kinematics, Newton's laws, work, power, fluid and thermal physics, waves, sound, and light.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:PHYS-2100
Examines the basis for structural design applications. Emphasis is placed on problem solving involving the geometric properties of structural shapes, including centroids, moment of inertia, and modulus of elasticity. Vector analysis, resolution of bodies in equilibrium, method of joints/method of sections truss analysis, and stress-strain relationships are also topics that are covered within the scope of this course.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:PHYS-2200
An introduction to structures used in construction. Students design structural members and calculate live and dead loads. Students also analyze imposed loading and select components through the limit states design process. A structural drawing comprised of a plan view, cross sections, and connection details is created based on the analysis and selection of structural members.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:PRAC-2160
Students apply theoretical and practical skills in the field under direct supervision. Exposure to and interaction with the various trades and professions within the field of construction provides the student with an invaluable experience that enhances their overall learning.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:SURV-1100
The investigation of the fundamental skills for surveying. Students use an automatic level to determine elevations, set benchmarks, and conduct topographical and quantity surveys. Students also use total station theodolites to measure angles and distances in order to conduct a closed traverse survey. Calculating areas of properties and co-ordinates of property markers are also studied.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:SURV-2100
The study of surveying techniques for construction technology. Students apply fundamental surveying techniques to establish lines and perform building and road layout operations. Students also collect information required for as-built and as-found drawings. Quantity surveying techniques essential to calculating excavation and backfill quantities are explored. The use of GPS and GIS systems for surveying is investigated.
Credit Value:4