Start Date: September
Location: Prince of Wales Campus
Length: 2 Years
Credential: Diploma, Kinesiology
Program Availability: Fall 2025 Term
Canadian Applicants: Open
International Applicants with a Valid ÎçÒ¹av Study Permit: Open
Other International Applicants: Open
Are you interested in being a personal trainer, physiotherapist, chiropractor, professional team coach, recreation program coordinator, or teacher? Maybe you are considering being a strength and conditioning specialist, a sport psychologist, or a massage therapist? Everything starts here! Kinesiology students study a wide variety of courses including anatomy and physiology, strength and conditioning, exercise programming, athletic therapy, nutrition, sport psychology, and the sociology of sport. An education in Kinesiology opens the door to a variety of career opportunities!
If you are considering a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education, Kinesiology, or Recreation, this program gives you two years (20 courses or 60 credits) of appropriate course work you can transfer to the University of Prince Edward Island, Acadia University, the University of New Brunswick, and other institutions through degree pathways.
Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
This program is located in the Charlottetown Centre. Take a .
This program has degree pathways, giving you the opportunity to receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma when you continue your education. For a complete list of agreements, visit the .
Partner Institution | Credential | Details of Agreement |
, Wolfville, N.S. | Bachelor of Kinesiology | Graduates receive up to 60 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree. |
, Antigonish, N.S. | Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics | Graduates who meet StFX admission requirements are eligible to transfer up to 60 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics degree. |
, Antigonish, N.S. | Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics | Graduates who meet StFX admission requirements are eligible to transfer up to 60 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics degree. |
, Charlottetown, P.E.I. | Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology) | Graduates with a 70% average receive up to 60 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology) degree. Grade 12 Chemistry is an admission requirement. |
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Bachelor of Kinesiology | Graduates receive up to 65 credits hours toward a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. |
Tuition, fees, and other costs are listed in Canadian dollars. International tuition includes the International Student Fee.
Fees are Course Based
1st Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $4,550 | $10,550 |
Fees | $1,228 | $1,978 |
Other Costs | $400 | $400 |
Total | $6,178 | $12,928 |
2nd Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $4,550 | $9,650 |
Fees | $1,128 | $1,878 |
Other Costs | $100 | $100 |
Total | $5,778 | $11,628 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition | $4,550 | $4,550 |
Lab Fee | $400 | $300 |
First Aid/WHMIS | $100 | - |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $470 | $470 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
Graduation Fee | - | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $5,778 | $5,678 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $3,278 | $3,203 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $2,500 | $2,475 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $400 | $100 |
Total | $400 | $100 |
Grand Total | $6,178 | $5,778 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition* | $ 10,550 | $ 9,650 |
Lab Fee | $ 400 | $ 300 |
First Aid/WHMIS | $ 100 | - |
Student Union | $ 178 | $ 178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $ 1,220 | $ 1,220 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $ 80 | $ 80 |
Graduation Fee | - | $ 100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $ 12,528 | $ 11,528 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $ 10,028 | $ 9,053 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $ 2,500 | $ 2,475 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $ 400 | $ 100 |
Total | $ 400 | $ 100 |
Grand Total | $12,928 | $11,628 |
*Includes the International Student Fee.
Many ÎçÒ¹av programs have degree pathway agreements with other post-secondary institutions. You can receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma toward a university degree or other post-graduate credential, saving you time and money! Find out more on the Degree Pathways page.
Course Code:SAFE-1005
An overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Prince Edward Island. Students examine the legislation, how PEI employees are protected while on the job and the responsibilities of employees and employers.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:ANAT-1247
The intent of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the study of the cardiovascular, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and respiratory systems.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BUSI-1143
Successful completion of this course will equip students with a foundation of basic leadership skills. A special focus is placed on skills which relate to communication, teamwork, management functions, styles of leadership, motivation, staffing, training, delegating, and performance assessments.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:COMP-1000
Students learn productivity software and explore digital environments with practical applications for various workplaces and educational institutions. The main areas of focus include word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, email and other electronic communication tools, various digital environments, and industry-specific applications.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:ENGL-1000
Learn, review and practice English grammar, punctuation, proofreading, editing, and spelling skills to demonstrate language usage competency. Develop the ability to convey thoughts clearly and concisely building both written and oral communication skills.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-1118
Developing a greater understanding of human behavior within the sport and exercise setting is an important asset for professionals working in related fields such as fitness instructing, athletic training, sport administration, coaching and recreation planning. The study of psychology examines influences on human behavior in relation to personality and social environments. In particular to sport and exercise, this course covers theories of motivation, the impact of stress on performance, the psychological benefits of exercise, strategies for promoting exercise adherence, and the role of mental skills for performance and well-being.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-1146
This course provides students with both a basic understanding of the structure and function of the human body and an understanding of the expected responses and adaptations the body makes during acute exercise. Topic areas include; homeostasis, bioenergetics, neuroendocrinology, the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory system, and acid-base balance. Students examine acute body systems responses to various forms of exercise and chronic adaptations resulting from participation in regular exercise training.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:KINE-1148
The purpose of this course is to prepare students as capable resistance training leaders. This course is designed to allow learners to become proficient in demonstrating proper exercise techniques, planning a basic fitness program, and teaching others the basics of an exercise program. As a result of participating in this course, students are prepared to challenge a nationally accredited certification in resistance training instruction.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:KINE-2245
Students develop knowledge and technical skills in the theoretical and applied practices of athletic therapy related to physical activity and sport. These skills include prevention of athletic injury, assessment of injury to athletes, acute-injury management, rehabilitation of athletic injuries, and a safe return to competitive sport.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-2249
Investigate methods and strategies for the design and development of exercise programs for a variety of health conditions and special populations.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-2256
This course investigates modes and methods of physical conditioning used when developing exercise programs for the healthy adult population. Emphasis is placed on various modes and methods used to improve the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. At the end of the course it is expected that students can demonstrate, teach, and adapt modes and methods to suit individual client needs.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-2260
This course investigates modes and methods of physical conditioning used when designing exercise programs both for improving health and human performance in clients who have training experience. Emphasis is placed on modes and methods to improve work capacity, muscular endurance, hypertrophy, strength, power, and speed. At the end of the course it is expected that students are able to demonstrate, teach, and adapt exercises and activities to suit individual client needs.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:KINE-2263
Learn the theory and develop the skills required to prepare exercise programs for the healthy adult population. Students will learn how to pre-screen clients for physical activity, identify current activity levels, and gain experience in administering health-related and performance-related assessments of: flexibility/range of motion, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, balance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and power. Students will learn how to interpret assessment data and use this data to develop client-centered exercise programs. This course assists in preparing students to challenge select professional certification examinations.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:KINE-2265
Learn the theory and develop the skills required to prepare exercise programs for clients with specific training goals, sports, or demanding occupations. Topics include sport and occupational physiology, performance assessment, periodization/prescription theory, program design principles for anaerobic and aerobic training goals, musculoskeletal goals, concurrent training goals, sound dietary strategies to support training, and a review of professional and ethical practice.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:NCPR-1001
A comprehensive two-day course offering standard first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills from a certified trainer. As required by regulation, this course covers CPR and the management of other breathing, airway and circulation emergencies, as well as, the control of bleeding, treating shock, stabilizing fractures and dislocations, head and spine injuries, and more. Also, includes automated external defibrilators (AED). This certification expires in 3 years.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1015
Internship is the cooperative educational component of the program in which students are required to complete a work term in the industry. Prior to beginning an internship placement, there are a number of activites and requirements that should be addressed in order to prepare both students and host sites. This course is intended to explore those activities, ensuring a smooth and positive experience for all parties involved in this mutually beneficial activity.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-2020
Internship is the cooperative educational component of the program in which students are required to complete a work term in the industry. This internship placement provides students with the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned, to acquire new skills, and to gain first hand experiences in the industry. Internship is a cooperative relationship between the industry placement, the student, and the program where all parties derive benefits.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NUTR-1254
This course is designed to provide recreation and fitness professionals with basic nutritional knowledge. In many cases, fitness professionals are in a position to offer suggestions for healthy eating. Upon completion of this course, students have a foundational understanding of the key components of a healthy diet, the basic principles of general healthy eating and the ability to distinguish between nutrition information and the endless misinformation that circulates on social media and beyond. Students will be able to use that knowledge to guide clients in making healthier lifestyle choices and in planning meals and snacks to meet their individual sport and fitness goals. Students will have a clear understanding of scope of practice and will recognize when to refer clients to a registered dietitian or other appropriate health professional.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:RECR-1110
As future professionals in this dynamic field, familiarity with the concepts, philosophical underpinnings, history, and the societal context of leisure, recreation and sport is key. In this course, students examine the role of public, private, and volunteer sectors in the delivery of leisure services. An understanding of the benefits of physical activity and sport are important aspects of this course.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:RECR-1121
Explore how individuals experience leisure and examine the necessary steps to plan and create quality leisure experiences. Review leadership styles, strategies for managing participant behaviour, and explore different types of recreation activities. Learn the key elements of risk management to create safe sport and recreation activities. Examine activity development differences for various stages in the life cylce and plan activities based on various needs.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:RECR-1149
With focus placed on recreation, sport, and community, this course is designed to help students reflect on leadership theories and skills both personally and when working with others. Personal management skills and perspectives for enhancing communication, proactive thinking, and conflict resolution are explored, with particular attention given to leadership as it relates to group dynamics.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:SOCY-2000
Explore sport, physical activity and recreation from a sociological perspective. Develop critical thinking skills while considering the social, cultural, political and economic structures of sport in contemporary society. Explore topics such as sociological theories of sport, social inequalitites, sport deviance, sport in the media, human behaviour, sport for development and future perspectives on sport in society.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BUSI-2050
Entrepreneurship education is the process of providing individuals with the concepts and skills to recognize opportunities that others have overlooked, and to have the insight and self-esteem to act where others have hesitated. This course includes instruction in opportunity recognition, obtaining resources, and initiating a business venture. It also provides instruction in business management processes such as business planning, capital development, marketing, and financial analysis. Students will have the opportunity to summarize much of what they have learned by researching and completing a business plan for a specific enterprise.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:MATH-1289
This course is designed to provide students entering natural sciences, business and economics with an introduction to calculus. Students acquire competency in the concepts of continuity, limits, and the derivative as an instantaneous rate of change. Methods of determining derivatives are introduced using both algebraic and transcendental functions. Students experience practical applications that emphasize maximum/minimum problems and topics in integration include both definite and indefinite integrals.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:MATH-1290
This course provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts of descriptive and basic probability, sampling techniques and inferential statistics. Topics include; proper sampling techniques, measures of center and variation, basic probability concepts, normal distribution, confidence intervals for means and proportions, hypothesis testing, paired samples as two independent samples, contingency tables, introduction to analysis of variance, linear regression and correlation. Students are introduced to a statistical computer package.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:RECR-2243
Gain an understanding of the requirements for managing a sport and fitness facility. Learn organization structure, staffing, daily operations, facility planning and facility design.
Credit Value:3