Start Date: September
Location: Prince of Wales Campus
Length: 2 Years
Credential: Diploma, Child and Youth Care Worker
Program Availability: Fall 2025 Term
Canadian Applicants: Open
International Applicants with a Valid ÎçÒ¹av Study Permit: Open
Other International Applicants: Open
The Child and Youth Care Worker program prepares you for a meaningful career helping at-risk youth and their families overcome complex issues. Through courses in counselling, case management, child welfare, intervention, and program development, you will learn how to identify clients’ needs and develop strategies to support them and their families.
Your on-the-job training will take place in a child and youth care facility, in an educational setting, a justice of mental health facility, or in an addictions services facility, giving you the opportunity to apply what you have learned.
This program is located in the Charlottetown Centre at the Prince of Wales Campus.
Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
This program has degree pathways, giving you the opportunity to receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma when you continue your education. For a complete list of agreements, visit the .
Partner Institution | Credential | Details of Agreement |
, Charlottetown, P.E.I. | Bachelor of Arts | Graduates with a 70% average receive up to 60 hours of credit toward a Bachelor of Arts degree. |
Tuition, fees, and other costs are listed in Canadian dollars. International tuition includes the International Student Fee.
Fees are Course Based
1st Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $ 5,656 | $11,656 |
Fees | $ 918 | $1,668 |
Other Costs | $ 2,350 | $2,350 |
Total | $ 8,924 | $15,674 |
2nd Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $ 3,681 | $8,781 |
Fees | $ 878 | $1,628 |
Other Costs | - | - |
Total | $ 4,559 | $10,409 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition | $ 5,656 | $ 3,681 |
Lab Fee | $130 | $50 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $470 | $470 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
Additional Courses | $60 | - |
Graduation Fee | – | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $6,574 | $4,559 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $ 3,242 | $ 3,827 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $ 3,332 | $732 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $1,800 | - |
Materials/Supplies | $400 | - |
Equipment/Tools/Teaching Aids | $150 | - |
Total | $2,350 | - |
Grand Total | $8,924 | $4,559 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition* | $11,656 | $8,781 |
Lab Fee | $130 | $50 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $ 1,220 | $ 1,220 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
Additional Courses | $60 | - |
Graduation Fee | – | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $13,324 | $10,409 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $9,992 | $9,677 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $3,332 | $732 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $1,800 | - |
Materials/Supplies | $400 | - |
Equipment/Tools/Teaching Aids | $150 | - |
Total | $2,350 | - |
Grand Total | $15,674 | $10,409 |
*Includes the International Student Fee.
Many ÎçÒ¹av programs have degree pathway agreements with other post-secondary institutions. You can receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma toward a university degree or other post-graduate credential, saving you time and money! Find out more on the Degree Pathways page.
Course Code:SAFE-1005
An overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Prince Edward Island. Students examine the legislation, how PEI employees are protected while on the job and the responsibilities of employees and employers.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:COUN-1100
An introduction to the core elements of a helping relationship and the corresponding strategies used to develop such a relationship. A variety of skills used in the counselling process are examined. A central theme presented throughout this course is the necessity for students to develop an ongoing commitment to self-awareness as a vital part of their counselling framework.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:COUN-1200
Students examine the action, evaluation and termination components of the counselling process. The importance of effective communication in dealing with crisis-oriented and challenging situations, as well as, communication roadblocks are explored. A variety of the core couselling skills are demonstrated. A central theme presented throughout this course is the necessity for students to develop an ongoing commitment to self-awareness as a vital part of their counselling framework.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1035
A broad introduction to the multi-contextual field of child and youth care: child welfare, educational, justice, health and community. Students explore the varied resources available to children and families as well as the employment options for a child and youth care worker.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1200
An examination of basic family systems theory. Students are introduced to contemporary issues involving families across the lifespan.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1205
An introduction to the process and components of case management. Students are exposed to the creation of case plans using assessment tools in the development, revision, and conclusion of the plan. Students explore the role of a case worker and involvement in a multi-disciplinary team.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1230
A comprehensive overview of the primary categories of child maltreatment. Students examine the complex interplay between the parent, child, environment, and society. Identification of the physical, emotional, and behavioral indicators of abuse, casework implications, and the process of treatment for the child victim, the child's family, and their abuser are examined. Long-term behavioral outcomes and styles of coping often exhibited by abuse survivors are explored.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1280
An exploration of the limits to traditional behaviorist approaches to relational practice, contrasting with Trauma Informed methodologies. Students outline, practice and implement how to effectively engage and intervene with clients through self-exploration and experiential learning using a relational practice approach.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-1300
An exploration of the various types of adversity that families can face and the impact that families have on the individuals and the family system. Students examine the conceptual frameworks used to assess family systems and use a strength based approach to working with families.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-2100
Students are introduced to the world of child welfare from a historical, clinical, and legislative perspective. Students explore the core themes of attachment, separation, grief, and placement that impact children and their families when they become immersed in the foster care system and beyond. Effective interventions and treatment approaches are examined as well as the roles and responsibilities of the legal and community agencies involved in case planning. The continuum of care for out of home placements is studied and beneficial strategies are noted that meet the child's attachment and relationship needs.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-2110
In an independent and group format, students will be presented with several opportunities to explore their identity as a CYC practitioner. Using insight gained from personal reflection and previous courses, students will discuss, analyze, and consolidate experiences with a view to critiquing their learning journey and considering opportunities for future growth.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:CYCW-2120
A familiarization with a competency-based philosophy and approach to assessing and intervening with children in a variety of settings. Students explore developing and implementing behavior management strategies and examine environmental design issues and the importance of daily living activities as seen within the context of the therapeutic milieu.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-2130
Reflect on the current issues in the field of substance use, as pertaining to the role of a Child and Youth Care professional. Develop a framework for understanding the fundamental concepts of substance use and examine a number of key domains in the field, including terminology, theories, psychoactive substances, stigma, treatment options and prevention strategies.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CYCW-2140
Students gain practical training in group design and facilitation. Students create, organize, facilitate and reflect on psychoeducational groupwork with children. This course builds on previous courses, and provides students with valuable experience in developing leadership skills, behavior management strategies, and programming skills.
Credit Value:5
Course Code:EDUC-1200
An exploration of the complexities of the group work process both in community based and residential settings. Students discuss the role of group work as an effective treatment modality for children. Students examine the patterns of group dynamic structure in residential groups, including recognition of typical group roles of residents, problematic group behavior, appropriate staff interventions, and recording group behavior.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:EDUC-1210
An introduction to the importance of therapeutic programming for children in a variety of settings. Students are provided with a conceptual framework and the necessary skills to develop programs that can be used in the attainment of leisure, educational, and therapeutic goals with children.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:HLTH-1000
Exploration of personal wellness. Students examine the sources and effects of stress. Strategies to maintain wellness and support personal growth are investigated, with students identifying strategies that are most beneficial to them.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:NCPR-1000
Students attend a food service safety course featuring a presentation on safe food preparation, how food poisoning happens, and how it can be prevented. Students will learn how to prevent food preparation mistakes that lead to disease outbreaks and possible damage to operator reputation. Students gain confidence that food handling practices are in keeping with recommended practices.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1006
Students attain skills on how to prevent a potential crisis from occuring and how to intervene in a crisis situation. Students are introduced to and practice physical skills to use when managing disruptive behaviours.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1009
The ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community. Students learn to intervene and help prevent the immediate risk of suicide.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:PRAC-1100
Students engage in observing, questioning, and participating in daily activities and programs conducted at a facility. Students are encouraged to interact with children and staff whenever and wherever feasible in order to gain a realistic overview of the operational and situational demands of the child care setting. The practicum is critical for students' experiential learning as it helps to confirm their desire to embark on a career in the child and youth care field. It also serves as a clinical reference point for the theoretical components of the Child and Youth Care Worker program.
Credit Value:1
Course Code:PRAC-1325
Students will increase their experience with and exposure to the daily activities and programs conducted in a child care setting. Students are encouraged to regularly interact with children and staff in order to begin practising some of the skills and strategies learned during previous classes, both individually and collectively.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:PRAC-2205
Student's suitability and readiness to meet the challenges of the child and youth care field is affirmed. Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their professional skills, attitudes and abilities to work both independently and collectively in a child care setting.
Credit Value:15
Course Code:PSYC-1100
Students examine the normal range of child and adolescent development including physical, emotional, social, and intellectual. The influence of family, school, and community upon the identity of the child is explored through prominent developmental theories. Strong emphasis is placed on the issues of attachment and bonding, the long term implications for healthy functioning, and the situations that can alter healthy development.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:PSYC-2100
Students examine a wide range of behavioral, psychological, and social problems experienced by children including treatment approaches currently endorsed to address these mental health issues. Causes and prevalence of the most common disorders experienced by children and assessments and diagnostic methods used in the mental health field will be discussed.
Credit Value:4